Code of Conduct


Code of Conduct
1. Use only appropriate language in comments or anything because it could offend them or teach them bad words. Also if someone doesn’t swear, if they read swearing or they could start swearing too and swearing is bad and then their parents will probably not let go on an blog ever again. Which is unfair for people who like reading blogs.

2. Don’t give away information about your identity, where you live, your telephone number or photos of yourself because they could identify you and then hack you or come to your house and rob you.

3. Don’t give any passwords out because then they could hack into your account and delete everything or change something that you don’t want. They could also embarrass or say rude things and offend people and then no one will look at your blog or they will report you and you probably don’t want that. Even if the person you tell won’t hack you they could tell a real hacker to.

4. Don’t meet people in real life that you only met online because they could be bad and hurt you and than they could blackmail you and force you to buy something that is expensive. They could frame you and you could get arrested. They could also try and make you ditch your friends. It could also be bad if they force you to come with them and join their group especially if their group is bad.

5. Always tell your parents or teacher what you posting and tell them to make sure it is safe. Tell a teacher or parent if someone offends you or you could report them to the website. Because someone could say something rude over and over again and if you do nothing about it, than they will never stop. But if you tell a parent or a teacher they could stop them or if you report them the website can block them. Also if someone knows you in real life and if you tell them to stop.